Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Melayu MALAS?

I heard this statement A LOT lately. God I really can’t tell you how much I hate to hear that again and again. It makes me sick. Especially when the statement comes from politicians, leaders and big big person. How come you guys be at this level of thinking?! This WRONG stereotype needs to be changed.

Fist, before Aqila start babbling with her national issue here, let her tell you what that’s mean with; stereotype. In social psychology, a stereotype is an over-generalized belief about a particular category of people (Google-d it). There! It is an expectation that people might have about every person of a particular group. Plus, when it come to negatively wrong stereotype, it will be super hard to deal with.

Tbh, I have heard this ‘melayu malas’ stereotype since my teenage age. At that time, people told me that Melayu = malas, Cina = penipu, India = gangster. HONESTLY!! Luckily I was too young to mind all of that. Because I lived in kampung and my environment is not proving anything about that. But that stereotypes stayed in my mind, and growing up with me ok?! To make it worse, I believe that many many of us attached to that too. This is so wrong. This is not okay. Now, please. Let this stereotype go. In my life, I have seen a lot of hardworking Malays struggling to stable their economical status. I met many of successful Malays, rich Malays, Malays that own their company, Malays that run their own business, smart Malays, academician Malays. These people definitely are not malas!

In Malaysia, the majority is Malay, taking 60% of total population in this country. Since Independence Day back in 1957, Malay undeniably got privileges and accommodation as the bumiputera. Bear in mind that before Merdeka days, the economical gap between bumiputera and non-bumi were so big (remember Malays at kampung, Indian at estate, Chinese at Bandar?), making the leaders to create many pathways to boost the bumiputera’s living standard and productivities. Many bumiputera were living in poverty decades ago, effect from colonialism. Then, after the Merdeka, with majority and privileges, created a new factor; Malays as the majority workers in government sector (and you know the rest about government sector). 

Now, because of these three things; (1) majority in population, (2) privileges as bumiputera, (3) conquering the government sector; creating the stereotype of Melayu = malas. Yes, I can see the tendency and how easy this stereotype to appear. Because of the mentioned 3 factors, people thought that ‘Ahh.. being Malay is so easy. No need to work very hard, can get job already’.

Behind the scene, everyone compete each other regardless your races. Whether you Malay or Chinese, you still have to work hard to pass your examinations. Whether you Malay or Indian, you still have to attend the interviews and prove you are eligible for the position that you applied for. Malay, Indian or Chinese, we need to be WORK HARD to be rich. We all need to work to get money. Whatever our races are, we all still need to work hard for success. I sound a bit materialistic here, but that is the reality when people relate Melayu = malas to work on their life! So tell me where is the malas part?

Malas is an individual faulty attitude. Not a genetic trait that will pass down through family, if you want to say in biologically aspect. Duh.

When we said about ‘stereotype’, it means OVER-generalized. Not all Malays are malas. There are Malays that very hardworking, some of them successfully rich, some of them still struggling to survive in todays living costs. Same goes to other races, not all Chinese are liars. My previous Chinese employer is a very nice lady. She always take care of us at her best, treat us with nice pizzas, back us up when the problems came, never take advantages on us. Also, not all Indian are gangster ok. My Indian friends are so nice with me. Their family is very well educated and well mannered. Why they deserved to be called as gangster?

We will get angry when people stereotyped us with negative things, right? That’s why this false stereotype thingy needs to be eradicated. It is 2019 ya ladies and gentlemen. People compete with efforts and hard work. Don’t call others malas just because that is what you think ok. Let’s put ourselves in others shoes, then we will mind our words.

I am Malay, and I am not lazy.
(only sometimes too lazy to cook, so I toss some Maggi for lunch is that okay?!)

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

wallpaper why so nerd

I know it's lunch time (so type quick quick quick!) but did you notice my blog background?!


No guys I am not a genius who in love with Math. I am just a regular female who likes nice shirts and make-up. Umm.. maybe with additional 70% of nerd spice. Math is definitely not my thing. I traumatized with Math since I knew Add Math existed in this world. But I scored it with 4 flat before, so i guess the trauma is faded. 

Yeah, I think so.

Anyway, I love this wallpaper because it makes me feel like Albert-Einstein-ly smart. Don't you think?

Definitely from Google.



Gosh I just created one not-so-useful post today.

Monday, September 2, 2019

my father

My father was a soldier.

He was a very stern man. No doubt, his daughters were all afraid of him, we afraid by any chance he will get mad if we do naughty things. Trust me I have tasted the marvelousness of rotan and hanger (proofs that I WAS very naughty). He disciplined us with his conservative style. I say it as ‘conservative’ because it was totally different with parents nowadays (you must know what I mean right). His word IS ABSOLUTE. When he said yes, it will be yes, no other than yes. Must go to bed before 10pm, must take bath before 6pm, must eat the breakfast, or else he will be super mad at us, annndddd… he will be very angry if we sisters bicker. Nope, we were too afraid to fight because of him. Some people might think that this parenting style is not relevant these days. But yeah, I am grateful for that, really. In fact, SUPER GRATEFUL that my dad was garang gila because if not, I may turn into a brat.

At one side, my dad is very thoughtful towards his family. He was very stern back then, but it all because of love. He hardly tolerate with carelessness, especially when it comes to safety. Such as, I forgot to switch off the hot iron, and he will mad if he found out. Because WHAT IF someone accidently touch it? Or, the iron gets too hot and short circuit happen? Another simple example, I run and fell my head off. Bleed myself. No no no, he will not come to pujuk me or what. Lagi kena marah ada. Hahah. Why you run carelessly at the first place?! You don’t see the stones all over here?! Ha now you step on that and fell, who tell you to run?! Go search for ubat now.

Yes yes. That’s my dad. He will get mad but always care. If we fall and bleed, he will give us minyak gamat (medicine etc etc). If he heard the coughing sound, he will give us ubat batuk and scold us if we drink ice. If we had fever, he was the one who woke up at night and wiped our whole body to reduce the temperature. He was a super-stern man 10 years ago, but now as he get older, he rarely stern-us-out because we are all grown up and can understand what he like and what he don't like on something.

Oh yes, I mentioned that my dad was a soldier. Now I understand where he got his style. He was the soldier that kept the peace of our country during the communist era. He killed the enemies, of course this guy will never tolerate mistake. To him, mistake means death. He once lived his life holding the rifle. He shoots bullets to protect his family and this land. Ya Allah, bless him with your Jannah.

When it comes to Hari Merdeka for Malaysia, I will always think of my dad. He is my hero forever. He might not be the hero that been documented in national history (well might be because he is still alive and survived) I will always thanked him for fighting for this country. I thank all the soldiers that sacrificed their life for us all. Without them, we might never able to sleep in peace.

I must get my patriotic spirit from my dad. He taught us with so many things that I couldn’t literally describe it, because he generally practices the ‘action speak louder than words’ style. He taught me to love this country, respect the leaders, be kind and befriend with everyone regardless their races and background, help others, never provoke others sensitivity intentionally, and many many many more. He will rise up the Jalur Gemilang every August for Independence Day. Because of him, my dad, that I will forever embrace the meaning of independence, especially when it comes to 31st August every year.

To me, independence means free to live happily as a person, a community, and a country. I take it all because this is related with each other. At one point, yes, we can live happily but is our neighbor (aka community) happy with us? And, we can live happily but are we fulfill our duty as a good citizen? The main point is, independence should teach us to live as a responsible individual that take part in maintaining the peace and unity. Be kind, be sensible, be proud and support each other.

Ok. If you let me write about merdeka and such, I definitely can come out with 17 pages of assay that make you puke for reading too many letters. Let me stop here.

Selamat Hari Kemerdekaan yang ke-62, Malaysia.

I love you so much that I make doa for you everyday, for peacefulness and unity till the end of the time. Amin!

Sunday, August 18, 2019

together we strong

People who knew me will know that I am quite a serious person. I usually talked about facts and current issues, maybe because of I was a debater before, always read on the news and keep updated with what’s happening on the country. Even at global level sometimes. I am not a person that will kepoh or kecoh easily, somehow I get jealous how people are so easy to get along and chit chat with everyyyythinggg after they said hi for the first time 2 sec ago. Oh and I have this kind of habit. I love to watch videos from Hashem Al-Ghaili’s page, its all about science, natural phenomenon, documentaries like National Geography, that make me think a lot more. Hahaha ok my hobby is THINKING I guess. But! Being serious of me, I still can make jokes that everyone will laugh. Umm.. but not my best skill la I admit. (tbh this one here suck at making jokes)

So, today I joined a bowling tournament. Not a regular one, it was Kejohanan Boling Wanita Islam. Can be said as catchy enough for my interest. Yela I always read on politics so how about socialize with them a bit? The organizer was a collaboration of political parties and NGO, made me decided; oooo let’s do this, let’s join this program and see how it goes. There were wanita UMNO, muslimat PAS, wanita BERJASA, wanita ISMA, and even opened for public participation. The groups were 32 in total, I think, and they played with spirit and excitement! I heard that most of them is a player, so must be strikes everywhere *gulp*. I joined under wanita BERJASA group. I am not a bowler anyway, but yeah, just joined and threw the ball recklessly; luckily manage to get 4x strikes (glad the ball not always go longkang and be the reason of failure for the team)

 Wanita BERJASA team.
Looked cool enough with the ball and all but not win pun hahahah! Not because this team weak OK, it's because the winning team was so power always strikesssssss all the time!

 Closing speech by Ketua Muslimat PAS, Bangi

Played 2 games, tired already.

What I saw there, a good bonding between the components of groups. Many people said hi to me, asked my name, which group I was, and wished me luck. The environment was so nice. Agreed with phrase that sport unites people. Whether you are UMNO or PAS or somewhat else, go play together and be one. This was so appealing to see. And I praaaaayeeeedddddd in my deepest heart that the tie between muslims parties stay strong forever. You know what I mean, when you read a lot of problems nowadays in our country. So many issues on disharmony, affecting the society.

Let’s not touch the racial issue here. What I always want to pin-point is the fact that we Malay people MUST be together and strong and support each other. Because other races unite at their best! Why can’t we do better?! I saw a lot of disunity among us and it is very disappointing. One side said that they want to empower education with new implementation. And another side defied, said that will not give enough impact and all. Ok that’s just an example k guys. Plus, many of the issues rose when two parties argued and not agreed with each other just because they are too ego to ride the same boat. Oh come on! I am not grown up to see we Malay go backward and faced disadvantages just because politician are too arrogant to be in the course. Although that one side is the government and another one is the opposition, but please stay together when it comes to the betterment of the future *sigh*

That’s why I am happy seeing the cordial connection between all participants at the event. Right, me is sentimental on unity and all, patriotic people I am. Love to remind myself that what I saw today, Inshaa-Allah is the small step towards unity of us all.

Not a playa.
But loaded with spirit inside alright

Saturday, August 17, 2019

we need friends in life.

When I was a kid, I thought that my best friend MUST be the person who sits next to me at school. Because, obviously, she will be the one who spend most of the time with me throughout the year right. Haha my logic at that time. But, mestilah kan?! When teacher asked you hard questions, looked at your BFF and you will get the answers. When forgot to finish the homework, no problem just copy BFF’s answer. Recess time, went fight for keropok lekor together with BFF. Went to toilet, always together also. Well, I was 10 at that time, so what do you expect from a little girl for a matured definition of friendship??

Growing up, I sure met lots of friends. The good one, bad one, the opportunistic, the reliable, the talk-at-your-back one; all lah. Sometimes we cried when they did something heartsick to us. Can’t deny that there are persons who lack of sensibility and do bad things to others. Just excuse yourself from this kind of people. But most of the time, we actually enjoy our life with our friends. Plus, friends thought me a lot to live a life. Instead of our family, friends can be said as our closest humans to rely on.

I was a very straightforward person back then. I expressed my feeling directly. I have this perangai that I talked what I had in my mind straight to that particular person. My emotion usually can directly be translated from my face. And… sometimes I hurt my friend’s feeling when I was being too direct. They will merajuk but I will definitely come to pujuk them, and vice versa. Sometimes I don’t realize my mistakes. I will talk to them and they will tell me what is going wrong. So guys, please. Please admit your mistake if you made one k. #mymistake

My friends thought me to tune down myself, they made me learnt on how to communicate better, made me knew what was the best time to threw the arguments and settle down things (especially on ‘feeling-things’. Girlssssssss righttt). So I really think that my friends shaped me to be a better person. No wonder people said to kawan dengan penjual minyak wangi, so that the good smell will attach to you too.

By all these years, I learned that; we need to be sincere with the relationship that we made. We make friends with others, not just because we want benefits from them. When we sincere in friendship and not seeking for something in return for everything that we do, surely the benefits automatically will come along the way. The intention of making friends is important. It sound small but seriously, that's the crucial part. Because that niat will lead you on becoming what kind of friend you are. Like, if you make friend with someone because she/he has a car and you think that you can tumpang them everyday, then when the car is gone, will you ditch them away? Or you will stay because you are grateful that she/he was so kind to you and help you before?

And, did you ever heard people said they don’t need friends because they don’t trust anybody? Umm… depends on their personal opinion. Maybe something happened that made them think like that. I also know a person who is very secretive and don’t want to share their problems. Always walked alone with gloomy face. Well, she is in my friend-list, that’s why I was concerned. But that’s okay too when she doesn’t let me in. I want to be a good friend to her, so I respect her decision and privacy on that.

The point is, I am very grateful that I met with nice and good friends alongside me. What I appreciate most is the fact that they make me a better person in life. I think that it must be so sad if you don’t have any friend in life. So we must treat them nicely and complement each other. 

Me 3 years ago. When I think it was cute to wear white tudung but actually we have to play volleyball. Thank God the pure tudung did not get dirty (...duh)

Plus point when they even prayed for us. What’s more precious than a du’a from a good friend that prayed for us to always been blessed? This must be a sahabat fid-dun'ya wal-akhirah

p/s: if you are my friends and read this and not in the picture, please don't feel offended guys! You are my BFF too but the blog will be hang like forever if i put all of your faces huhu