Saturday, August 17, 2019

we need friends in life.

When I was a kid, I thought that my best friend MUST be the person who sits next to me at school. Because, obviously, she will be the one who spend most of the time with me throughout the year right. Haha my logic at that time. But, mestilah kan?! When teacher asked you hard questions, looked at your BFF and you will get the answers. When forgot to finish the homework, no problem just copy BFF’s answer. Recess time, went fight for keropok lekor together with BFF. Went to toilet, always together also. Well, I was 10 at that time, so what do you expect from a little girl for a matured definition of friendship??

Growing up, I sure met lots of friends. The good one, bad one, the opportunistic, the reliable, the talk-at-your-back one; all lah. Sometimes we cried when they did something heartsick to us. Can’t deny that there are persons who lack of sensibility and do bad things to others. Just excuse yourself from this kind of people. But most of the time, we actually enjoy our life with our friends. Plus, friends thought me a lot to live a life. Instead of our family, friends can be said as our closest humans to rely on.

I was a very straightforward person back then. I expressed my feeling directly. I have this perangai that I talked what I had in my mind straight to that particular person. My emotion usually can directly be translated from my face. And… sometimes I hurt my friend’s feeling when I was being too direct. They will merajuk but I will definitely come to pujuk them, and vice versa. Sometimes I don’t realize my mistakes. I will talk to them and they will tell me what is going wrong. So guys, please. Please admit your mistake if you made one k. #mymistake

My friends thought me to tune down myself, they made me learnt on how to communicate better, made me knew what was the best time to threw the arguments and settle down things (especially on ‘feeling-things’. Girlssssssss righttt). So I really think that my friends shaped me to be a better person. No wonder people said to kawan dengan penjual minyak wangi, so that the good smell will attach to you too.

By all these years, I learned that; we need to be sincere with the relationship that we made. We make friends with others, not just because we want benefits from them. When we sincere in friendship and not seeking for something in return for everything that we do, surely the benefits automatically will come along the way. The intention of making friends is important. It sound small but seriously, that's the crucial part. Because that niat will lead you on becoming what kind of friend you are. Like, if you make friend with someone because she/he has a car and you think that you can tumpang them everyday, then when the car is gone, will you ditch them away? Or you will stay because you are grateful that she/he was so kind to you and help you before?

And, did you ever heard people said they don’t need friends because they don’t trust anybody? Umm… depends on their personal opinion. Maybe something happened that made them think like that. I also know a person who is very secretive and don’t want to share their problems. Always walked alone with gloomy face. Well, she is in my friend-list, that’s why I was concerned. But that’s okay too when she doesn’t let me in. I want to be a good friend to her, so I respect her decision and privacy on that.

The point is, I am very grateful that I met with nice and good friends alongside me. What I appreciate most is the fact that they make me a better person in life. I think that it must be so sad if you don’t have any friend in life. So we must treat them nicely and complement each other. 

Me 3 years ago. When I think it was cute to wear white tudung but actually we have to play volleyball. Thank God the pure tudung did not get dirty (...duh)

Plus point when they even prayed for us. What’s more precious than a du’a from a good friend that prayed for us to always been blessed? This must be a sahabat fid-dun'ya wal-akhirah

p/s: if you are my friends and read this and not in the picture, please don't feel offended guys! You are my BFF too but the blog will be hang like forever if i put all of your faces huhu

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