Thursday, August 15, 2019

Prophet Ibrahim (pbuh) thought us lessons

Are you guys still celebrating Aidul Adha with delicious meats??? *salivating*
Me is not. Started to work already so no more raya raya ah. Me raya with the excel sheets doing analysis and more statistics ok.

Missing my family already.

Btw, in conjuction of Aidil Adha or what we Malay people called as Hari Raya Korban, or Hari Raya Haji (because this is the month where Muslims perform Hajj), I want to complete the story of Prophet Ibrahim and his super family. Last time, I wrote about amazing lady named Sarah, and strong woman named Hajar. Both of them were Prophet Ibrahim wives and Masya-Allah, they such a FIRST CLASS women!

I know many many many of us already knew about the sirah of Prophet Ibrahim pbuh. But being me, I want to write about this sirah (coz I am a history freak. Kbye), so I will gain the merits or ibrah (pengajaran) behind the story, engraved deep in my heart. Purposely, maybe some of you will read this too. And hopefully we all will collect the morals and implement it in our life Insha-Allah. Right?

*Looking at the wall for a while thinking what word to start*

First guys, I tell you, Prophet Ibrahim pbuh definitely was a human that faced HUGE TESTS. Not kecik-kecik small matter one. The challenges were hard; the burdens of dakwah were super super heavy. This was the man that Allah Taala chose to be one of His messengers. To invite the human race embrace the religion as the way of life. Definitely not an easy task.
Even we want to convince the flat-Earth-believer that, THIS EARTH IS GEOSPEHERE, are real hard enough #tiber

Ok, dig in the story already.

Prophet Ibrahim was born in a region named Babylon (Greek name, means ‘The Gate of Gods’), now known as Iraq. Reaching his teenage age, Prophet Ibrahim pbuh started to question and was searching for God. Well, he lived in a community that worship statues, trees, and even the King. Yes you heard me right; the people at that time worship their king as ‘God’. So Prophet Ibrahim pbuh was thinking, shouldn’t God is unbeatable, and umm what’s the word.. immortal? A powerful King will die, the magnificent statues will fall, the mighty Sun will set, and the amazing Moon will dim. All those were not God. Eventually he had faith that Allah Taala is the ultimate Creator of the Universe, the only God, nothing else. (Al-Anaam : 74-79)

Now let me listed the tough challenges that Prophet Ibrahim faced in his life;
  1. His very own father against his believes. The Father wanted Prophet Ibrahim to worship the statues (berhala) that he made it himself, by his own hands. Logically, it was ridiculous, worshipping something that you made, as a GOD, isn’t it? (Maryam: 42-45)
  2. Did dakwah to others that were non-believer. He was surrounded by a whole community that believed a tree has superpower to change the fate of their lives (my goodness). He was all alone and the only person who followed him was his wife, Sarah (one wife at that time).
  3. Prophet Ibrahim pbuh was thrown into SUPER-BIG-HOT-FIRE, as he went against the evil king named Namrud. This Namrud guy claimed himself as a God and wanted his people to worship him. But Prophet Ibrahim survived! Allah Taala commanded the fire to be cooled and saves Ibrahim pbuh. We called it as ‘mukjizat’. (Al-Anbiya: 69)
  4. Had to sacrifice his dear son, Prophet Ismail pbuh. This was the revelation from God and he obeyed to it.

So, the number 4 is the highlight of this whole story.

Prophet Ibrahim pbuh was ordered to sacrifice his son, Prophet Ismail pbuh by Allah Taala. Surely we all WILL TERRIFY, but this heavy test was not meant for normal people guys. This was the test to a prophet, a messenger of God, a person who had the ultimate faith to Allah (beriman) and dedicated his life solely for Him. Allah SWT wanted to test His servant, to prove the faith (iman) and taqwa.

We know the concept right.
We all want Jannah. To get into Jannah or Syurga, is not as easy as words. We have to prove that our faith is purely and solely to Allah Taala. The question is, HOW to prove? By our belief in heart, all the actions that we done, all the words that we threw, all these have be directed to Allah Taala. Some people were tested by losing friends. Some of us might be failed in exam. And some of them loose their families. All these were included in the concept of tests in our life. So what we should do? Patience, pray more, be nicer, reflecting ourselves more often… and many others. Why? To prove ourselves to Him. To present our dear soul to Him as a believer, that wanted His Jannah. As we want to prove ourselves, we would done our best, right. That’s why.

If you ever asked ‘Why’.

So even Prophet Ibrahim pbuh was tested.
But as soon as the knife about to touch the neck of his dear son, Allah Taala displaced Prophet Ismail with a magnificent qibasy (kambing). Thus, it was not his son being sacrificed, it was the qibasy animal that being slaughtered. All praise to Allah Taala for the silver lining behind the test.

You see, Prophet Ibrahim proved his faith to Allah. And Allah Taala grant him qibasy (which is delicious food), and selected that day as a celebration day to all of us. We Muslims manifested the Aidil Adha as a symbol of sacrifice, by presenting the best animal that we can afford to be shared together as a celebration.

This symbolic is so unique, yes?
Aidil Adha is the day that we remind ourselves that we need to sacrifice what we love for the sake of Allah. It doesn’t mean that we love our mom and we need to sacrifice her or what. NOT LIKE THAT OK. It means that, like we sacrifice the things that we love to do, for the sake of being a better person. We sacrificed our leisure time, by gotong royong with neighbors. We sacrificed our money, to help the need. We sacrificed our might or strength, to perform the charity effort. And ultimately, we sacrificed our lust, to be an obedient servant to Allah Taala. Prophet Ibrahim sacrificed his love towards his son, to obey the revelation from his Creator. Allah did test us with things we love.. so that we will always remember Him.

Surely, lust is our hardest fighter inside us. Not an easy one. The reason why we all malas is because of this one lah. The mischievous lust, but it also you.
You fight yourself. You sacrifice yourself.
To be better, for the sake of Allah.

That’s the story of Prophet Ibrahim pbuh. The sirah of Aidil Adha celebration, and the symbolic of sacrifice for us all.

Too many outputs that I get, throughout this writing. It is like a reminder to myself. Always be good and done good. Sacrifice more (lust guys, lust) and be nicer, be better, be stronger.


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