Saturday, August 10, 2019

of Siti Hajar

Remember I wrote about the legendary women Siti Sarah before?

So we all know about Siti Sarah now. A loving wife of Prophet Ibrahim pbuh, a strong mother of Prophet Ishak pbuh, and a dedicated servant of Allah Taala. 

Now let's talk about her best friend; Siti Hajar.

Siti Hajar, from the riwayat stated that she was given by the Pharaoh to Sarah. She served Sarah and her family so well, and both of them became the best of friend. When Prophet Ibrahim delivered dakwah to Hajar, she immediately accepted it and became one of the believer. Sarah treated her in a very good way, until one day she proposed to her husband to take Hajar as his second wife. I mean, that's obviously because Sarah trusted Hajar so much, because of her good akhlak, her strong faith in God,  plus with her obedience and loyalty. #wifematerials

After marriage, she was the wife that gave Prophet Ibrahim pbuh his first son. It was Prophet Ismail pbuh. Now you should imagine, a man that wanted child so long and he finally get one. Of course he was so happy and grateful and LOVED HIS FIRSTBORN SO MUCH!

I remembered my mom's story about Along (my first kakak). My dad want to go to work and get dressed already. The moment when my dad stepped out of the front door, little Along calling dad repeatedly and said 'Ayah, don't go' again and again. My dad is a very stern person and known for his strong heart among our family. But he immediately melt away when Along don't want to let him go to work, and went back to get her and pujuk her and stuff. He was already late!! But his heart can't let him go with his beloved daughter crying and wanting him.

As a normal human, thats what happen when we all become a parent. The same goes to Prophet Ibrahim pbuh that surely gave all of his fatherly love to his most awaited child. And Siti Hajar pouring all her heart to her beloved son.

Until the destined day came when Prophet Ibrahim pbuh had to take Siti Hajar and his son to another place, far away from home, unknown place with small amount of food supply.

And when they arrived at a very alien place, with sand and desert as far as they can see, with no promising source to live, Prophet Ibrahim pbuh stopped. Siti Hajar was confused about that action and looked at her dear husband and his son alternately. When Prophet Ibrahim pbuh started to went away, leaving her and the little baby at the arid desert, Siti Hajar immediately chased after her husband. Right after she got to held his arm, she asked "My husband, are you going to leave me and this baby here?"

The husband didn't reply.

Then, she asked again.

"Dear husband, are you really going to leave us here in the middle of the desert?"

Still silent, no answer given.

And then,
Siti Hajar asked his husband for the last time;
"Dear husband, is this a revelation from Allah that ordered you to put us here?"

Prophet Ibrahim finally said yes to her.

And Siti Hajar let go of his arm. She said this to the man she loved:
"If this is the order from God, then do it"

Ya Allah I almost cry when read this Sirah. Can we call it as THE ULTIMATE LOVE STORY? This is definitely better than Titanic!! If Hajar was me, I totally freaked out and started panicking from the beginning of the moment she entered the desert. Is it only me, or everyone else will do the same?! OF COURSE RIGHT

But not to Hajar. Her emotion was well control, and she was so strong. She only had a handful of dates, and a bottle of water. That's all she had. She was left at the place where there was no tree, no tasik, no river, and never shown sign of hujan! It was a desert!

That is what I would call the true love. A true love that put God at the highest place, above of any other matter in this world, including the love to husband/wife. Siti Hajar got the gut to ask and she accept the test with willingness. She fully believed that Allah Taala will take care of her and her baby, even though the desert was scorching hot and no food, no drink, no family, no home, no population there! No human that you can ask for help. Only faith to Allah.

Such. A. Great. Woman. You. Were.

The place finally became civilized when Siti Hajar and her baby discovered water source called 'Zam-zam water' (you have no idea how precious was WATER at that time). You know the story of running from hill of Safa to hill of Marwa? That was what we called 'sa'ie', an action that Hajar did when she desperately seeking for water. The only food supply (aka living supply) that she had was ran out. She ran from these two hills because she thought she saw water but it was not. And the place now is Makkah, the holy land that we all know and want to perform Hajj there. The zam-zam water that she finally discovered is NEVER dried out. It keep coming out from the earth and supplying the water throughout the city.

*breath again*

When you put your ultimate trust in Allah, He will help you with the best favour you can ever get. In shaa Allah. 

To conclude, let me summarized the key-points of being Siti Hajar:

  1. She was a very obedience wife. She followed her husband with every trust that she had.
  2. She was absolutely bersangka baik to her husband! She asked her husband with a question that no one of us ladies will ever think of! (Ladies being ladies!) "Dear husband, is this a revelation from Allah that ordered you to put us here?" and her terrific answer, "If this is the order from God, then do it" *cries*
  3. She was such a good mother. She never gave up of his son and put a huge effort to feed him. She searched the entire desert for water supply! God blessed this mother!
  4. Ultimately, she was a devoted servant of God. She put her believed in Allah, to take care of her and her baby. She have faith in Allah when her husband had to leave her alone with no sight of hope. But surely Allah Taala is the best helper to us all.

Can we all be like Hajar?

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